Seneste om OpenAI

AI-bamsen Poe finder på nye godnathistorier hver aften
Af Peter Hoffmann Publiceret
PLAYi introducerer Poe – en AI-drevet historiefortællende bamse med dansk tale

Prisen på ChatGPT Plus kan blive mere end fordoblet i løbet af de næste fem år
Af Peter Hoffmann Publiceret
Den nuværende abonnementspris på 20 dollars om måneden forventes at stige til hele 44 dollars i 2029.

OpenAI has an AI text detector but doesn't want to release it
Af Eric Hal Schwartz Publiceret
OpenAI has built a way of spotting AI-produced text but isn't putting it out.

Will OpenAI sharing future AI models early with the government improve AI safety, or just let it write the rules?
Af Eric Hal Schwartz Publiceret
OpenAI to share AI models early with US AI Safety Institute

OpenAI's SearchGPT appears to get lost on its first hunt
Af Eric Hal Schwartz Publiceret
OpenAI's SearchGPT made a mistake in its demo video on launch.

ChatGPT won't let you give it instruction amnesia anymore
Af Eric Hal Schwartz Publiceret
OpenAI has upgraded the GPT-4o mini model in ChatGPT to stop users from making it forget instructions

Mom's website ready to put OpenAI in a time-out after learning the AI firm may have scrapped its data
Af Eric Hal Schwartz Publiceret
Parenting website Mumsnet sues OpenAI to stop data scraping

Goodbye GPT-3.5, OpenAI's new GPT-4o mini AI model is all about compact power
Af Eric Hal Schwartz Publiceret
OpenAI releases GPT-4o mini AI model on ChatGPT and API
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