Recensione Panasonic Lumix LX100 II

Un valido aggiornamento per una fotocamera meritatamente popolare

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It's fair to say that the Panasonic Lumix LX100 II is more of a incremental update than a massive overhaul, hence why Panasonic probably felt it merited a 'Mark II' designation (a first for a Lumix camera) rather than a whole new model name (many people were expecting the Lumix LX200). 

If it ain't broke, don't fix it – the original Lumix LX100 was one of our favorite compact cameras, and while it's been a little overshadowed in recent years, it's still a nice camera to use. 

The good news then is that the Lumix LX100 II feels just like its popular predecessor: a portable, responsive premium compact camera with a fast lens and appealing external controls. The new grip makes it better to hold, and the increased resolution is welcome.

Panasonic hit something of a sweet spot with the first version of this camera, and although it's complex and fiddly in some areas the Lumix LX100 II has lost none of the original's appeal – and while it might not have the broadest appeal, the enthusiast photographer looking for a pocket-sized partner with plenty of tactile controls, you won't be disappointed. 



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