Seneste om WhatsApp
Meta scales up its AI chatbot experiment in India and Africa
Af Chiara Castro Publiceret
Breaking More WhatsApp, Messenger, and even Instagram users worldwide can now test out the new Meta AI assistant. Would you, though?
The Online Safety Bill becomes law—will it really make the internet a safer place?
Af Chiara Castro Publiceret
Breaking Is the new long-awaited law a win or threat to online security? We talked to experts to understand what's at stake for users and digital platforms.
The Online Safety Bill is just the tip of the UK Surveillance State iceberg
Af Chiara Castro Publiceret
Breaking Two legal proposals are set to give the UK government greater powers to access citizens' communications and crack encryption. Here is what's at stake.
WhatsApp kommer med ”Forstyr ikke”-mode
Af Michael Kilschow Hansen Publiceret
WhatsApp kommer med ”Forstyr ikke”-mode – her er alle detaljerne
Zuckerberg om WhatsApp: Langt mere privat og sikker end iMessage
Af Michael Kilschow Hansen Publiceret
Mark Zuckerberg: WhatsApp er langt mere privat og sikker end iMessage
Banker mødt af bøderegn
Af Michael Kilschow Hansen Publiceret
Banker står over for kæmpe-bøder: Medarbejdere har anvendt WhatsApp og private mail-adresser i stor stil
Rusland straffer sociale medier
Af Michael Kilschow Hansen Publiceret
Rusland deler bøder ud til Snapchat, Tinder og Whatsapp
EU presser Whatsapp
Af Michael Kilschow Hansen Publiceret
Whatsapp skal inden juli bevise, at den nye privatlivspolitik ikke er i strid med EU-regler på området
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